
SpindleSense from Schaeffler, spindle monitoring via displacement measurement

Spindle monitoring via displacement measurement

SpindleSense reduces machine downtimes and increases utilization of machine capacity

C-A1 – data are issued on the measured displacements (axial and radial) as well as tilting

C-A1-Upgrade – alarm signals are issued when load or kinematic limit values are exceeded

Your benefit:

  • Assessment and control of processes via direct measurement of the spindle’s deflection/deformation
  • Protection against continuous overloading and reduction of damage due to collisions

Publications with further information


Comprehensive reasons to use SpindleSense

Higher availability

Early detection of spindle bearing overloads allows subsequent damage to be minimized or prevented altogether.

More productivity

Knowledge of displacement and better control of the capacity utilization allow machining processes to be optimized and prevents no-load operation and loss of cycle speed.

Higher quality

SpindleSense boosts production quality and significantly helps to prevent scrap and reworking.

Optimized TCO

The use of SpindleSense makes a significant contribution to minimizing costs and extending the operating life of machines.


  • Direct measurement of shaft displacement (axial, radial, and tilting)
  • Spindle bearings are monitored with micrometer precision
  • Detection of critical operating conditions within two milliseconds
  • Model-based analysis of displacement
  • Alarms are issued when limit values are exceeded
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